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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Most Recent films I have seen

Labor Pains (2009)
I enjoyed this film and there were a few laugh out loud moments, but it wouldn't make it to my watch again list! Lindsay Lohan is the main actress who pretends to be pregnant to save her from having the sack. She goes a bit too far though and convinces everyone until she is about to pop! anyway i wont spoil this movie for you, you can judge for yourself.

My Bloody Valentine (2009)
I was not expecting to enjoy this film but it suprised me! It reminded me of a halloween kind of film where the killer keeps disappearing and then randomly turning up out of nowhere. I also thought it had good suspense until the end as the way the story went, the killer could have been any of them. I'd reccommend this film to horror fans, especially if you enjoyed the halloween films.

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